Vacheron Constantin Replica Midsize Automated Moon Phase

Vacheron Constantin Replica's new Portofino Midsize Collection has been unveiled this Autumn. It enhances the existing Portofino collection. There are more than 20 models in the new collection.Vacheron Constantin Replica watches One of the most striking is the Portofino Midsize Automatic Moon Phase Watch. It is available in stainless steel, white and red gold and has a variety of diamonds on the dials and bezels.

This new Vacheron Constantin Replica watch is inspired by the elegant and stylish 1950s and 1960s, but with modern luxury.

Vacheron Constantin Replica Midsize Automatic Phase Moon Phase IW459004 Watch

Portofino Midsize Automatic Moon Phase has, as the name implies,Vacheron Constantin Replica a 12 o'clock position moon phase indicator with a stationary plate that depicts the stars and a rotating disc which shows the moon. The moon is either set in a classic cloud scene, or hovering in space under a star-studded nightsky. It evokes the style codes of the original Portofino, which was introduced in 1984. It is available in white, red, and stainless steel.

Vacheron Constantin Replica Midsize Automatic Phase Moon Phase IW459001 Watch

Vacheron Constantin Replica offers five models of the Portofino Midsize Automatic Moon Phase Timepiece. The 18-karat gold version is the flagship model of the new Portofino midsize collection. It is a stunning display of light from 174 pure white diamonds. The brand's first dial to feature multiple layers of lacquer applied in great detail is this dial. The pure white diamonds are framed by the jet-black color.Rolex Replica Watches Vacheron Constantin Replica's designers created a complete moon phase display in a star-studded setting, making the stars seem to float in the infinite space between them. The dial's inner circle is diamond-encrusted and the case is filled with 90 gemstones add to this effect.